25 January 2010

The story behind 'Bitche'

Just a quick one. I'll just share how the name 'Bitche' was created. Well, it started with this girl I liked in HS. Her name's Patti but I want to call her Trixie from now on, if that's okay with her. I really like her. She's smart, funny, straight-forward, can do mental math REALLY fast and her handwriting is as beautiful as she is. I am very moody so sometimes most of the time I am so bitchy and crappy that you want to rip me into pieces. So, when I'm like that, Trixie calls me Bitche when I'm not around. So yeah. Thanks to you for the name. :P 

That's me and Trixie 2 years ago. 
I miss my old self. :(

So, as you have noticed I'm not telling about my day coz nothing interesting is happening to me. Do you want me to write about how I dealt a drubbing to the LA Lakers using a Spanish-infused Memphis Grizzlies? I bet not. Well, I spend the day in front of the computer playing Airline Manager on Facebook. Yeah. Did I tell you I love airplanes? I also play NBA 2k10 since I grew up on a country that loves basketball. So yeah. That's my whole day. BORING! So I thought of writing a novel to pass the time before I go back to school in June. (5 effin' months away!!!) I'll post every chapter here after I finish them and been read by my best friend coz I promise her she'll be the first to read my chaps.

-Bitche. XD

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